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+254717210198 info@olengugihsafaris.co.ke


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After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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* Creating an account means you're okay with our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.
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Photographic Safaris

Photographic Safaris

This is an experience of a lifetime! With our experienced drivers and skilled photographers, we will create a trip to remember. Traditional safaris and wildlife photography don’t frequently go together. When your guide or the passengers in your safari vehicle show no interest in the subjects you want to photograph, it can be very irritating as a photographer. Wildlife photography demands perseverance, planning, commitment, and a guide who knows how to position you for the ideal shot.

Simply said, you must embark on a special photographic adventure.

One of the finest ways to retain your safari experiences and dazzle your friends back homies is to go on a photography safari. At Olengugih Safaris we can design photographic safaris specifically for you based on your preferences for lodging and price range.

When it comes to maximizing the benefits of early morning light and the best game sightings, we frequently offer excellent advice on the best lodges and hotels to stay at. Game drives are UNLIMITED, and our guides are incredibly patient. Why does this matter?

Best Seller

5 Days Masai Mara & Olpajeta Fly Safari

The Five Days Masai Mara & Olpajeta fly Safari allows you to experience more luxurious time at the parks and […]

Lewa & Masai Mara Flight Safari

The six-day Lewa & Masai Mara safari visits both the excellent Masai Mara National Reserve in the southwest and the […]

5 Days 4 Nights Mt. Kenya Adventure

2 Nights Mt. Kenya and Olpajeta Adventure takes you to Mt. Kenya, the tallest point in Kenya. The mountain has […]

Olpajeta Day Trip

The Olpajeta Day Trip will take you to the OlPejeta Conservancy. The Olpajeta conservancy is a 364sq km wildlife conservancy […]
Laikipia Special

The Ultimate Laikipia Adventure

The Ultimate Laikipia Adventure will take make you explore the diverse Laikipia county. Laikipia County, which means treeless plain in […]

Save The Rhino Ultimate Safaris

Save the Rhino ultimate Safari will take you to the parks that care for the rhinos around Kenya. You will […]

Save The Elephant Ultimate Safari

The Save the Elephant Ultimate Safari is a trip designed to help you explore Kenya in a unique manner. Why […]

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