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2-Day Masai Mara Overlanding Safari

  • 2 Days 1 Nights
  • Max Guests : 33
  • 29 - 30 July


The 2-Day Masai Mara Overland safari takes you to the Mara, well-known worldwide for its highlands, savanna, and wildlife. Some of the most magnificent creatures to ever traverse the African plains can be found inside the Masai Mara National Reserve.

A 2-day Overland safari is the perfect way to see the grandeur of an African safari. You will have an opportunity to visit a Maasai village in addition to the mega-fauna exhibit to comprehend better the human culture that coexists with the animals in this area.

For the entire trip, your private driver/guide will be by your side, ready to help if you experience pressure from souvenir merchants while in the wildlife reserve.

Price Includes

  • Overland Truck Transport
  • 1 Nights Camping Accommodation
  • Meals on Halfboard
  • Maasai Cultural Village Visit
  • Onboard Entertainment
  • Unlimited Photography
  • Park Fees
  • Bonfire Party

Price Excludes

  • Tips
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Anything Not Mentioned

What to Expect

The Masai Mara game reserve is the only place where you can experience the most intense and fulfilling game drives, making it a top safari destination in Kenya. The attractive golden Savannah plains, which are home to many grazers, are more interesting than the reserve’s vegetation.


Watch for elephants, lions, cheetahs, leopards, wildebeests, giraffes, zebras, jackals, ostriches, hippos, crocodiles, and an endless list of other animals as you explore this magnificent region.


The Reserve is home to a diverse range of animals, both great and tiny, including grazers and predators that roam the plains, the jungle, and the Mara River, where hippos and crocodiles rest in their natural habitat.


These are also the ancient lands of the Maasai people, and you’ll have an opportunity to learn about their lifestyle and culture.

  • Wildebeest migration
  • Mara river inhabited by wild crocodiles and Hippos
  • Cultural tour to a local village
  • Highest wildlife concentration than other Parks in the Region


Day 1 - Nairobi to Masai Mara

Early morning departure from Nairobi to Masai Mara game reserve. This shall be a leisurely drive with a stopover at the Rift Valley viewpoint. There after descend to the floor and drive via Narok town [a colourful Masai shopping Center].

Breakfast can be taken here. Arrive in Masai Mara and proceed for your first game viewing. Lunch will be by the Mara River as you watch crocodiles and Hippos or even enjoy the Mara River wildebeest river-crossing.

Dinner and overnight camping in one of the camps in Masai Mara.

Day 2 - Masai Mara to Nairobi

We shall be up before sunrise for a game drive before breakfast. The splendour of an African sunrise that engulfs the savanna shall be experienced as we traverse the vast game reserve in search of early predators and grazers.

Breakfast will be followed by a pull-down for our tents. We shall then proceed for the Maasai Cultural Visit after which we shall start our journey back to Nairobi. More wildlife viewing en route to exit. Proceed back to Nairobi arriving in the afternoon.

End of our adorable 2 days Masai Mara Overnight Safari by road from Nairobi and returning to Nairobi.



Can I get the refund?

Yes, you can get it. You only need to inform us 72 hours before the trip date.

July Special
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